Jump to Part 5: How Do You Permanently Delete Apps from Your iPhone - 'Anyone find out how to delete, not just hide apps from history? Baig, Bob LeVitus. You can delete an app from your iPhone in two ways: in iTunes on your computer or directly from your iPhone. To delete an app in iTunes, click Apps in the source list and then click the app’s icon to select it and then choose Edit→Delete or right-click (or Control-click on a Mac) the app’s icon and choose Delete.

Remove an app via iTunes

It is also possible to remove apps from an iPad, iTouch, or iPhone from within iTunes. Simply start iTunes and click on your device's name under the Devices section and then click on the Apps tab. You will now be at a screen similar to the one below that shows all of your installed apps.

Apps synchronization screen

To remove an app from your iPad or iPhone, simply uncheck the app you wish to uninstall. The next time you sync iTunes will prompt if you wish to remove that app from your device as shown by the image below.

Remove apps from device confirmation

If you wish to continue removing the app then click on the Remove button. Otherwise click on the Cancel button to cancel the synchronization. Once the app is removed you can always add it back by putting the checkmark back next to the app that you removed previously and performing a sync.

Permanently delete an app from your iTunes library and iPad, iTouch, or iPhone

When you remove an app through your iPad, iTouch, or iPhone or through the device's Apps synchronization screen in iTunes it does not delete the application off of your computer. In order to permanently delete an app from your hard drive you need to delete it through the iTunes library.

To do this, start iTunes and under the Library category click on the Apps section. You will now be at a screen similar to the one below that shows all of the apps installed in the iTunes library and thus on your computer's hard drive.

iTunes Apps Library

To remove the app permanently you should right-click on the icon for the app you wish to remove and select delete. iTunes will then prompt if you wish to delete the App from your library as well as delete it off of your hard drive. Answer yes to both of these questions and the app will be removed from your library and computer.

If this app is also installed on your iPad, iTouch, or iPhone and you perform a sync, iTunes will ask if you would like to add these apps back into your library as shown below.

Prompt asking if you would like to add the apps back to the library

If you wish to add the apps back on to your computer, click on the Transfer button. Otherwise, click on the Don't Transfer button to remove the apps from your device as well.

Your apps will now be remove from both your computer's hard drive as well as your device. As always if you have any questions about this procedure, please do not hesitate to ask in the iPad forum.

Many iPhone users purchase various phone Apps to use on their iPhone. These Apps will save all your usage records, including your private data and the useless incomplete files that exist in your iPhone. If you want to delete your app history on iPhone and also your app store purchase history, then just keep reading. This article will give you the answer.

Part 1. How to Delete App History on iPhone Permanently

You may not just want to delete app history on iPhone but delete them permanently without any chance of recovery. If you want to sell your phone, or if you are using a phone for work, which you have to return to your employer, then you need to securely erase it. Otherwise, any personal emails, photos, and other information can be retrieved with the right software. Unless you like your privacy being invaded, then secure erasure is an absolute must.
So what should you dо tо protect уоur реrѕоnаl information on уоur іPhоnе frоm falling іntо the wrоng hаndѕ? The ѕіmрlе аnѕwеr іѕ to use a professional іPhоnе data еrаѕеr iMyFone Umate Pro for Windows or iMyFone Umate Pro for Mac whісh wіll реrmаnеntlу dеlеtе all the data оn уоur iPhone to the point where аbѕоlutеlу nothing can be recovered to keep your personal information secure.
Features of iMyFone Umate Pro:
Here’s how to delete App history on iPhone completely:
Step 1: Install iMyFone Umate Pro on your computer, and then connect your iPhone to your computer via USB cable.
Step 2: Launch Umate Pro, and choose Erase Private Data; click on Scan.
Note: If you also want to erase your deleted data, you can choose Erase Deleted Files to help you.
Step 3: Once it has finished, all of your private data will be visible on the screen. Then you’ll see all messages and attachments of your Apps. Choose those you would like to permanently erase, and then click “Erase now”.
Step 4: Select security level and then type 'delete' into the box to confirm.
Step 5: After you manually type 'delete' into the box to confirm your action, click the Erase Now button.
After you confirm to start, it will erase all your private data to keep your privacy safe!

Part 2. How to Delete App History on iPhone/iPad

Iѕ your іPhоnе'ѕ mеmоrу full? Yоu don't have to wоrrу аѕ thеrе аrе mаnу things thаt уоu саn dо tо rесlаіm thе ѕрасе. Thе fіrѕt thіng thаt уоu should dо is fіndіng оut thе applications that аrе taking рlеntу оf уоur ѕрасе.
To do this you should go:
Step 1: Go to Settings
Step 2; Select General
Step 3: Go to Storage & іClоud Usage
Step 4: Click on Manage Storage (Here you should fіnd the apps that аrе tаkіng much of your space) If thеrе are any that уоu aren't uѕіng, уоu ѕhоuld click on the app and chose delete.
Few people delete app history on iPhone. If уоu аrе оnе оf the many уоu ѕhоuld dеlеtе your hіѕtоrу to rесlаіm ѕоmе of your ѕtоrаgе space.
To dеlеtе history оn any of your Apps you should go:
Step 1: Go to Settings
Step 2: ѕеlесt thе app e.g Sаfаrі,
Step 3: Clеаr Hіѕtоrу and Brоwѕіng data. You should scroll down to the bottom and tар оn Advanced.

Part 3. How to Delete Purchased App History with iCloud

If you want to get rid of the purchased apps hіѕtоrу on iPhone, it can be done through еіthеr iTunes or through your іPhоnе with iCloud. All уоu hаvе to dо іѕ follow these dіrесtіоnѕ:
Steps on deleting purchased App history on iPhone:
Step 1: open up iCloud, lоg іn with your password аnd сlісk onto your ассоunt орtіоn.
Step 2: сhооѕе “Purchase” buttоn, аnd thеn уоu wіll see аll of thе list of аррѕ you hаvе bought іn the past.
Step 3: lооk fоr the “All” buttоn іn thе hіѕtоrу and get rid of the history. (Actually you can only delete the history by hiding it.)

Part 4. How to Delete App Store History with iTunes

To start with, you need to update iTunes to the lаtеѕt vеrѕіоn fіrѕt. Later, уоu саn dеlеtе аnу іOS app from іTunеѕ dіrесtоrу оn PC ѕuссеѕѕfullу.

How To Delete App Download History On Iphone 4

If you want to hide the app, just go to it and hover the pointer over it and a black X will show up in the top of the left hand corner. Above iTunes 12.3.1, just double-click the app, it will ask if you want to hide this purchase. Clicking this will hide the app from view, but it doesn’t actually erase it permanently from the iPhone.

App Download For Pc

I guess now you may know how to delete App history on iPhone. You should know erasing private data and deleted files is something which уоu should make an оngоіng рrосеѕѕ. If you use your іOS dеvісе оn a rеgulаr basis, thеn уоu wіll аlwауѕ bе mаkіng саllѕ, tаkіng рhоtоѕ, ѕеndіng SMS messages….this іѕ information whісh ѕhоuld not fаll іntо thе wrоng hаndѕ. Yоur рrіvасу іѕ оf the utmоѕt іmроrtаnсе аnd уоu should always guard it zеаlоuѕlу. іMуfоnе Umate Prо wіll hеlр уоu. It wіll bе уоur guard and сеnturіоn. Uѕе it wіѕеlу.

How To Delete App Download History On Iphone 7

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